International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day (also known as Survivor Day) falls on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving. This year, it fell on November 23rd, 2019, marking a day where those affected by suicide loss came together for healing, understanding, support, and connection.
Looking forward at the upcoming holidays can be a daunting prospect for many of those who get caught up in the hustle and bustle of preparing to see family, friends, attend events and get-togethers, and finish year-end projects. For those who have lost loved ones to suicide, this time of year can be an especially trying time for those left behind grieving through their first winter holidays without the ones they lost, those observing loss anniversaries, and those going through a tough time marking the passage of time without their person.
If you are one of those who have been touched by suicide, remember to take time for self-care as the year winds to a close and be kind to yourself, understanding that the grieving process can be unique and different for everyone. You may find comfort in establishing rituals, getting away for a vacation, or in others who have lost a loved one to suicide (such as in our Survivor Support group).
Do you know someone who has been touched by suicide? They may appreciate someone reaching out with a kind word or note and with the understanding that, though they may not talk about their loss anymore, they will never forget the loved one who left us too early.